Manage Application Certifications

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The Manage Application Certifications functionality is found under the Administration menu.

Important: Agency Super Admins and Application Certifiers are the only user types with access to Manage Application Certifications under the Administration menu.

There are two tabs: Certified Products and Uncertified Products. The Certified Products tab displays as the default.

To preview both certified and uncertified products:

  1. Select the product name in the list. The product name is linked to a preview page.

  2. The product preview page displays.

    Select the green Close Preview button at the top of the preview screen to close.

To certify a product:

  1. Select the Uncertified Products tab.

  2. Select the green Certify button for the product.

  3. A prompt displays. Select Yes to continue with the product certification.

  4. The certified product is now listed in the Certified Products tab of the Manage Application Certifications page.

    To certify the direct download version of that product, select the green Certify button in the Direct Download Versions section. Select Yes when prompted to certify the direct download version.

  5. After the Direct Download Version is certified, the screen displays Uncertify buttons for both the product and the version.

To uncertify a specific direct download version:

  1. Select the Uncertify button for the direct download version of the product to be uncertified.

  2. A prompt displays. Select Yes to uncertify that direct download version.

  3. Upon completion, the uncertified direct download version displays the Certify option.

To remove a direct download version:

  1. Select the red Remove button for the direct download version to be removed.

  2. A prompt displays. Select Yes to remove that direct download version. Note: Once a version is deleted, it is not available.

To uncertify a product with multiple direct download versions:

  1. Select the Uncertify button to the right of the product name, not the specific version.

  2. A prompt displays. Select Yes to uncertify the product and all direct download versions.